First post

This is my personal website. I will try to create posts focusing on neuroimaging research. I chose to use the R package blogdown to create it because of these reasons:

  • R
  • familarity
  • community
  • visualizations
  • learn more R

Here are online resources I referenced to create this website:

Here are some useful files paths I encountered:

  • data/themes/ is the directory for custom themes
  • layouts/partials/ is the directory for custom partial templates. This is how I changed the site footer. Default partials are in this directory: themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/

While creating the website, I learned there is a difference between and files. indicates a leaf bundle and a branch bundle. This blog post gives more information about the differences between leaf and branch bundles.

In the future, I intend to finish reading the blogdown book and maybe look into learning some CSS. I also noticed some blogs with sun/moon button for changing day/night themes (example). I will try to put this in my website and/or alter the theme.

Research Engineer

My research interests include resting state, fMRI workflows, and reproducible research.